Saturday, August 25, 2007

Writing letters, deportations...

I'm currently writing letters. You know, proper ones, with a fountain pen and real paper (I have already been asked once if my computer has broken down). Its something I used to do a lot, and have neglected over the past two years or so. But it is strangely therapeutic, and something intend to continue, assuming that my correspondents reply....

The decision not to deport the killer of theLondon headmaster has caused some controversy, but I cannot see how a decision to deport would be in the least justified. If someone has lived here since he was 5 , speaks no English, and has no relatives in the other country to which he has nominal connections, then trying to pass the buck is neither fair nor reasonable. I can just imagine the reaction of the hanging-and-flogging brigade if it was the other way around and Italy wanted to dump its non-English speaking recalcitrants upon us


Anonymous said...

Funny you mention this. I have been shopping for a fountain pen over the past week and good, thick, watermarked paper.

I miss writing letters to my friends, and I love getting a real letter in the post.

Merseymike said...

Me too!

Email me your home address and I'll write to you properly - you'll get a lot more than the odd PM from a board!