Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Sentiment and the Forces

People choose a job for many reasons. Some things in jobs we like, others we don't. Some jobs have public popularity, others don't. Some jobs are dangerous, others are not.

Being a member of the Armed forces is clearly a dangerous role, but it is one freely chosen. here are many other dangerous jobs.

So why is it that the death of people in the armed forces , fighting in a war with tenuous benefit, bring weeping people out on to the streets? Those crying didn't know them.

I wonder how and why they can identify with them. To me, those who join the services have made what is essentially an immoral judgment. I don't admire them, neither do i feel any connection to them. When they die - well, what do they expect? They have signed up to become part of a war machine which kills people. they should then expect to be killed. Why, then, the risible emotionalism for something which is a central part of the job?

I really can;t understand the mentality of those who say on the one hand, oppose the war and cut defence spending, and then launch into Sun-type rhetoric about 'supporting our boys' and 'not being opposed to the troops'. That is illogical nonsense. If you oppose the war and the military, then one must oppose their activities.

As such I view the deaths as sad for the individuals, but an occupational hazard - nothing more. And, no, they did not 'do it for me'. they made a free choice to take a job in the military. They live, and die, with the consequences.


Ravi Gopaul said...

An interesting post, but one I can't agree with.

Britain has been faced with invasion in the past. It is for this reason we need a military to protect our country and our way of life. This is why I believe military service is a noble calling.

As for the loss of life, yes it is true these men and women do choose to serve in the military and death is the ultimate price to pay when you don on the uniform but that does not deminish any sacrifice any soldier, sailor or airman makes when they are lost in theatre.

To be willing to take up arms to protect your loved ones, family, friends and community takes a very brave and special person and as a nation we should be grateful we have people willing to do that in our country.

With regards to war, the ones who should be labelled as immoral should be those mindless idiots who made the decision to go to war and send our troops into battle with little or poor quality kit not the troops themselves.

Merseymike said...

I take your point, but I disagree on almost every point. I think that military spending should be reduced to the lowest possible level and that it should be concerned only with civil defence, nothing more - so no more participation in any overseas venture.

I also cannot respect individuals who have chosen a job which I don't respect . I don't wish them to protect me and I object paying for them to do so. So its not a sacrifice, just an outcome of a particular sort of job. There are plenty of other examples but they don;t seem to bring forward this sort of reaction

Seems like we have found something I am far more left wing about then you! Its interesting - I won't watch or support anything militaristic, including any military-linked charity - I find it distasteful